Gill has been busy learning how to weave a willow basket. She tells Jamie about how she made several mistakes and had things go wrong like weavers snapping at the wrong time etc. or the base not looking quite as it should be on the video.
She explains to Jamie how it made her think that 'failures' are rarely mentioned these days as she was posting photos of her 'mishaps' on IG so people could see the reality and process of learning a new skill.
Jamie and Gill chat about the need for everything to appear to be perfect in these days of social media and the pressure people put on themsleves to be perfect at something the first time they try it. The discuss how important embracing failures are and how they see it very much as a part of the process of learning.
Their chat leads them into talking about how patience is also something else that is lacking these days and is all part of the fear of failing. This fear then means people either don't have a go at something or give up rather than practice, practice, practice.
Jamie and Gill both agree that the feeling of acheivement when you do manage to do something (and it still might not be perfect!) is worth all the effort.