Tread Perilously's Star Trek month 2024 concludes with an episode Star Trek: Enterprise called "Shuttlepod One."
While on assignment aboard Shuttlepod One, Trip and Malcolm find evidence that Enterprise was destroyed while surveying an asteroid field. The pair make plans to direct their impulse-capable shuttle toward the nearest human colony, but it will take years to arrive and they only have nine days of air. Will they have a heart-to-heart about their personality differences? Will Enterprise, on its own mission of mercy, realize Trip and Malcolm are adrift in space? And will T'Pol ever get respect from Archer or the show's producers?
Erik and Justin sit down for the longest conversation about Enterprise yet. The fact the episode was written by Rick Berman and Brannon Braga may have something to do with it. Justin's Berman impression becomes canon. Discussions in the weeds include The Batman and the first two episodes of Agatha All Along. The prequel-itis of Enterprise gets in the way, as it often does. Comparisons to The Expanse are inevitable. Erik defends the "Galileo Seven" plot as an evergreen premise for any sci-fi show. The pair decide they want 'NX-01' baseball caps and, yes, the song gets litigated again.