Subscribe to the Build Your Business podcast hosted by Matt & Chris Reynolds, who help you overcome the fears, unknowns, and challenges of business ownership.
Learn more about Ryan Matt Reynolds.
Learn more about Chris Reynolds, CEO & Founder of Surton.
Subscribe to the Build Your Business PodcastIf you have a skill or passion you're good at, you may have been told, or you may have considered, turning it into a business. Many coaches began as fitness enthusiasts who wanted to help others get stronger and healthier. That's great.
If you sell you services, however, you are a business owner. If you are a business owner, you have to work as the owner, manager, and technician in the business.
The technician is the role you're probably thinking about. You're the coach, power washer, baker, etc.
You have to run and oversee the business. This is the management and ownership.
Many businesses fail because they fail to do this.
Don't be saddled with the anxiety that comes from being a new business owner. Learn advice from Matt & Chris, who have nearly 40 years of business ownership between them.
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