Gill gets asked a lot, how do you manage not to take on clients problems / issues?
She was pondering this question when out for one of her walks and realised that is actrually how she copes - by getting out in nature. By going for long walks it helps clear her head and gives her time to reflect. If not ime to do that it's important to create small 'gaps' between one thing and another.
Jamie and Gill discuss how it's not just trained coaches / therapists that deal with people's problems but often hairdressers, PT's or people like Jamie working one on one or in a small group. Jamie has an Aha' moment about ho wit affects him and has various examples of how that happens in his workshop.
With a recent commission for a client Jamie has found that the space they are developing has a lovely calming energy and he has realised that it would be good to spend more time out of his workshop working in nature or simply sitting in the space they've created.
Gill and Jamie have both had pressurised jobs in the past with bigger incomes but question at what cost do people chase financial freedom and is it actually freedom or just more stuff? They discuss when is enough 'stuff' enough?