How does a saint respond to persecution? Recognizing the aspects of a saint's character. St. Teresa's letters reveal some of the secrets to sainthood. Reflections on Day 18 from the book 30 Days with Teresa of Avila.
Topics/Questions covered in the show:
Do your emotions drive you toward God or away from Him? Avoiding the victim mentality. How to obtain the grace to hold up under persecution. Holiness through obedience, humility, and docility to the Church. How can we feel peace in the face of repression or persecution? What does the enemy have to do with a lack of obedience? What the saints know about what God wants from us.Resources:
30 Days with Teresa of Avila - Dan Burke and Anthony Lilles Catholic Spiritual Direction website - The Avila Institute for Spiritual Formation - About Dr. Anthony Lilles The Collected Works of St. Teresa of Avila, Volume One - contains The Book of Her Life EWTN Religious Catalogue - online