St. Teresa diagnoses an attack of the devil on a fellow nun. Join Dan and Melissa as they discuss St. Teresa's advice to this nun in a letter from the book 30 Days with Teresa of Avila.
Topics/Questions covered in the show:
How does the devil attack us through temptation? St. Teresa diagnoses the cause of another nun's personal struggles. Does St. Teresa contradict St. Ignatius Rules for Discerning of Spirits? How can we resist attacks from the enemy? "Breaking the silence" to fight the devil. Overcoming trials by serving others. Advice to avoid misusing the teachings of the saints. Why does spiritual progress increase the need for good spiritual direction?Resources:
30 Days with Teresa of Avila - Dan Burke and Anthony Lilles - Catholic Spiritual Direction website EWTN Religious Catalogue - Online 1 Corinthians 10 - USCCB Bible link The Discernment of Spirits - An Ignatian Guide for Everyday Living - Fr. Timothy M. Gallagher, O.M.V. 14 Rules for Discerning of Spirits - Text from St. Ignatius with links to podcasts by Fr. Timothy Gallagher Divine Office - Liturgy of the Hours - Online