Welcome to episode #63!
We hope you are enjoying the weekly podcasts.
This week, we discuss all about weddings and other special event services that you can have the cruise line host on board during your vacation at sea. There are many options, services and conveniences that many cruisers are now doing more and more every year. Cruising has become a lifestyle to be celebrated, why not celebrate those special life moments on your favorite cruise ship visiting your favorite cruise itinerary.
Did you celebrate your wedding on cruise ship? Would you like to share all about it on a future show? Contact us via email: thecruisedudes@gmail.com
Also on this show, we have some cruise news, listener emails from Dr. Kris about Scott's predictions and JT's cruise to Mexico.
NCL Breakaway's Ice Bar (Scott predicted it and it already exists!):
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Have you made plans for a cruise this summer?
Don't forget, we would love for you to join us this summer for our "Cruise With The Dudes" cruise! July 25th - 29th, 2016 on the newly renovated Carnival Inspiration! Details can be found here: www.cruisedudesevents.com
Finally, please continue to share us with your family and friends - it really helps to expand and grow our show through word of mouth and the various social media outlets we use. We appreciate you - you are the best!
Happy Cruising!
Tommy & Scott
P.S. You can always support us by using our Amazon link: Click Here To Visit Amazon.com
Also visit The Cruise Dudes Amazon Associates Store for your cruise gifts! THANK YOU!
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Email: thecruisedudes@gmail.com
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