According to today’s guest, leadership is not a reward for performance. It’s a calling. Do you want to be a more genuine and authentic leader? To narrow the gap between who you are and how you lead, then stay tuned for an insightful conversation with leadership expert Joe Contrera. Make sure to also catch the Mindfluence Challenge of the week to help you begin putting some new leadership strategies into action.
The single most important characteristic of any leader is self honesty; without it you can’t lead anyone.
Key Takeaways:
[1:33] Dr. Norton tells us a little bit about Joe Contrera.
Key leadership factors that produce passionate and dynamic work engagement.
Program: The 5 critical truths of authentic leaders - employees respond best to leaders who are genuine and authentic but that unfortunately there’s frequently a gap b/w who they are and how they lead…
[3:01] Joe speaks to the gap between who a leader thinks they need to be and who they truly are.
[5:59] Being an entrepreneurs or business owner does not mean that one is meant to be a leader.
[8:03] What does Joe mean when he says leadership is a calling?
[12:00] What differentiates between truly being a leader and acting like one? Joe talks on how leading from a place of power vs. a place of force relate to this distinction.
[14:22] What can we do to inspire rather than demand from people to follow our leadership?
[18:58] How does the workings of the brain in response to emotional stimuli can affect one’s style of leadership?
[22:03] How can a leader practice holding people accountable while at the same time bringing out the best in them?
[28:29] From a leadership standpoint, it’s important to find out what drives a person, what’s important to them, and what they want.
[30:03] Joe thinks that motivation comes from two places. He talks on this point and on how you can motivate people.
[31:05] Joe’s practical strategy to help people lead more from their strengths.
[33:17] Check out Joe’s website for his contact information and the free resources such as
[34:45] Mindfluence Challenge: As yourself these 2 questions: Are there any disparities between who you are and who you think you need to be? What are you willing to do to realign your work and life more closely with who you really are?
Mentioned in This Episode:
Power vs Force by David R. Hawkins
Aspire by Kevin Hall