My Guest this week is Gina Mazza! She is an award winning Journalist, a Marketing & Branding specialist as well as a Partner in Creative One Marketing.
As a writer and word provocateur, Gina loves helping other writers refine their writing projects as a co-creative effort. Her personal writing focuses on the inextricable link between creativity and higher consciousness.........which is the perfect segway into our interview!
Honestly - we traverse the universe with our conversation, covering all kinds of tempting topics that you will find engaging, revolutionary and awakening!
Here are a few of our touch points: Creativity. Higher consciousness. Soul-centric enterprises. Essence work. Purpose vs. mission. Storytelling and mythology. Evolutionary pathways. The fourth wave of capitalism. Intuitionists as the new marketing pros.
Here is what we dive into:
The Story of her profound awakening and heightened intuitive awareness that informed her book: "Everything matters, nothing matters" The power of storytelling; whether it's collective mythology or a story we tell ourselves; Gina believes "stories have the power to change the course of our evolution." Shifting the Marketing concept of just 'filling consumer lack' to serving the greater good of humanity, the planet, our evolution! Conscious marketing evolves into the 4th wave of capitalism! YES! There is more....So You just gotta listen Here!