In episode 7 of the Bally Alley Astrocast Chris and I review the Dog Patch cartridge, the 1980 Astrocade port of the 1978 B&W Dog Patch arcade game. Due to scheduling conflicts, Paul and Michael could not record for this episode, so Chris is co-hosting the show with Adam.
Recurring Links - Bally Arcade / Astrocade Website What's New at Orphaned Computers & Game Systems Website Bally Alley Yahoo Discussion Group Bally Arcade / Astrocade Atari Age Sub-forum Bally Arcade/Astrocade High Score Club Bally Alley Astrocast Facebook Page The Classic Gaming Bookcast - By Chris FedericoDog Patch by Bally
O-Jello by Clyde Perkins
O-Jello by Clyde Perkins - Bally BASIC 300-Baud version. O-Jello by Clyde Perkins - "AstroBASIC" 2000-Baud version. O-Jello BASIC Listing - The Bally BASIC listing from the March 24, 1980 issue of the Arcadian newsletter. O-Jello Spoke Word Tape Introduction and Instructions - These are the O-Jello rules that Clyde Perkins placed before and after the Bally BASIC. Also included in a summary of how the program works. Clyde sent this tape to Bob Fabris of the Arcadian newsletter (for printing the BASIC listing) and to Steve Wilson in Cleveland, Ohio (for review of the game). The rules credit Peter Maggs article in Byte for inspiration of the game [Maggs, Peter B. Programming Strategies in the Game of Reversi, Byte, Nov. 1979, 66-79.].End-Show Music
Chopsticks WAV File - The song Chopsticks is taken from WaveMakers' Music Keyboard, a BASIC program that allows the user to create 2-voice music using an on-screen piano keyboard. The music could then be exported to tape and then used in your own program. Music Keyboard was released on in December 1982 on Tape 17. It was also released on WaveMakers' tape 19 and Astro-Bugs Club Tape #1 (without the chopsticks music that is played on the title screen). It was later reprinted in the Arcadian.