Trudy Northcott has spent her life problem solving for her health sake. From age 8 Trudy had a rare spinal disorder which led to 30 years of pain and illness. She made it her mission to be responsible for her own body and get her health back against the so called "odds".
Now trained as a Bulletproof Coach Trudy helps others regain their own health as well as operating her online store which specialises in products of integrity for a healthy mind and body.
With a history of learning what it takes to gain health back in this modern world the reality of stigma and discrimination was a huge block. In answer to this dilemma, Trudy felt compelled to be part of the solution instead of being a victim. As a result, she recently launched the community inspired project
In this interview Lisa and Trudy discuss how to take control of your own health journey and not to just rely on pharmaceuticals for answers. They take an in-depth look into the biohacking phenomenon and ways to improve your life and wellbeing.