If I told you how my husband proposed to me, you would be shocked that I said yes (well I didn't exactly...but that's a different story...).
But that is not the man I have today. Just this past weekend, Mr. Romance, surprised me by making dinner, getting our 2 toddlers ready, packing extra toys to keep them occupied, packing an entire picnic, bringing wine glasses and my favorite bottle of wine... which we enjoyed in the park under the stars.
Stuff like this is pretty normal and I believe The Surrendered Wife (by Laura Doyle) and Delight Your Husband: The Christian wife's manual to passion, confidence and oral sex (by me, Belah Rose) are the two resources that are most significant to this transformation.
If you get the surrendered stuff (Surrendered Wife) and the sex stuff (Delight Your Husband), give it 6 months and you will have an incredible man...I truly believe it.
Author of Surrendered Wife, Laura Doyle, is on for the second part of her interview. (I hope you'll listen to the first part to see how sad and broken her marriage was). But, its amazing to see what happened.
Here's some quotes from this show:
"I almost divorced the man of my dreams."
"All control is based in fear. [Because I'm surrendered] I really do feel like I'm a woman of faith now."
"Fear is still going to come up. Make the decision that something else is more important."
Hear more from Laura Doyle:
The Surrendered Wife (Please, please read this!)
Empowered Wife (new name of Kill All the Marriage Counselors book)