In the third installment of Smashtoberfest 2017, a certain ragged group of zombie apocalypse survivors hanging out in Georgia have officially seen just about all they care to see of the walking dead, especially now that winter is coming, and with it, rumors of some new kind of "ice zombies." Fortunately, they've received intelligence that somewhere in the frozen north, in a place that may or may not be Canada, lies a hidden cache of weapons, primarily swords and knives, made from a metal that could turn the tide in the group's quest for survival. If there are more deposits of this "Valyrian steel" in the area, it might even be worth moving up there, despite the cold of the season.
But Rick and the gang aren't completely stupid. Before anyone starts packing, they need someone to drive up there, scout the area, find the metal, and figure out if it's as effective as the rumors say. Of course, there will be walkers everywhere. As it turns out, more than one kind.
For a mission this dangerous, there's only one logical choice: Michonne, the katana-wielding uber-badass who slices through entire hordes like it's nothing. But is she prepared for what waits for her beyond the...Canadian border? Or will she fall to the mysterious species of ice-themed monstrosities known throughout Westeros as the white walkers...before rising again, with blue eyes?
Special guest hosts Jaime Smith and Money from the Unspoiled! Podcast Network join us for the first time this week, and quickly learn that when you play the game of Smash Fiction, you win, or you complain loudly about the judge's decision until the end of time. There is no zombie-infested middle ground.
Once again, thanks to Kevin MacCleod for use of his songs "Come Play With Me" and "Digital Bark."