Did you strike out on BCBS this year? Is your Black Friday haul picture too pitiful to boastpost to that one Facebook group? Be not dismayed weary barrel-aged beer seekers - we have a whole show of beers that required waiting in no lines to obtain! We found five barrel-aged beers that were both more affordable and available than any Bourbon County variant - and guess what - some of them might be better than that beer that launched a thousand pitched tents. We start this one by reviewing the grisly details of this year’s Black Friday chaos while desperately searching for our roommate Derek. Last we saw him was by the port-o-potties with a paper Dixie cup full of some guy’s warm pour of Bramble, so if you’ve seen him please hit us up. He sometimes answers to DerBear.
Beers Reviewed
Oskar Blues Brewery - Barrel-Aged Ten Fidy
Revolution Brewing - Deth by Cherries
Nickel Brook Brewing - Cafe Del Bastardo
Moody Tongue - Bourbon Barrel-Aged 12 Layer Cake
Dogfish Head Brewery - Oak-aged Vanilla World Wide Stout