Today, Nicholas interviews co-founder of Quest Nutrition, Lisa Bilyeu. Lisa is also the co-founder and president of Impact Theory, and the co-host of Sheroic Podcast. Before it all, she was and is the wife of world class entrepreneur, Tom Bilyeu. Together, they navigated life and worked together in partnership to ensure that both of them were happy and were doing something that they both loved.
Timestamped Show Notes
[01:54] Lisa’s Story
[07:05] Goals
[08:46] Success is Never Guaranteed
[11:00] Worst Case Scenario
[12:45] Same Page
[14:35] Accountability
[18:00] Can’t Stay the Same
[20:45] Non-Negotiables
[23:08] Disagreements
[24:20] Hardest Discussion
[25:40] Quest Nutrition
Would you rather do something you hate and work less, or do something you love and work more? What if working more meant you were happy? No matter what, you must always make sure that you love what you’re doing. If we can still live in a home and eat food, it doesn’t matter what we do as long as we’re both content. Communication is key. Knowing how each person feels and expressing it to each other is vital to keep a relationship going strong.
Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People by Vanessa Van Edwards
Podcasts: Impact Theory, Sheroic Podcast
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