It's a video newsletter! This video version of SMART Systems Insider, a newsletter from, is your fast track to lower food costs, lower labor costs, an accountable management team and a team of reliable restaurant employees. It's an hour-long masterclass with restaurant industry experts. Use what you learn here to thrive in the sea of chain restaurants. Make more money, get your life back and have managers know what their job is.
In this episode:
David Scott Peters, restaurant expert and founder of, teaches you how to bust the labor cost percentage myth, which says every restaurant should use the exact same labor cost percentage. David explains exactly why it's a myth and what the facts are and how you can determine a restaurant labor percentage that is right for your restaurant
Next, David interviews Mary DeLeon, restaurant coach for Members of Not only does Mary offer bilingual coaching, she has some insight into decreasing your labor cost with the reverse labor system. Learn what it is and why you should use it to lower your restaurant labor cost.
David interviews Brad Hackert, director of restaurant operations for Flora-Bama restaurant group. He's a past Member of, a past consultant for and a systems expert. He shares with you some of the biggest challenges restaurant operators face when putting systems in place and his advice for overcoming the common obstacles. Brad has implement SMART Systems Pro, our restaurant management software, in hundreds of restaurants. He knows of which he speaks!
Learn how to control your labor cost on a daily basis. The secret is to use the reverse labor system. David shows you exactly how SMART Systems Pro, a complete restaurant management software, makes controlling restaurant labor cost manageable and effective. Touch base on your restaurant labor cost and how to calculate your restaurant labor cost percentage.
Finally, David interviews Anne Gannon, a principal at the Largo Group, an accounting firm. She offers insight into the top three things you must know about your financials if you want to make any money.
All of these interviews are designed to motivate you and teach you the secrets of success for every restaurant owner.
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