Beth had a big dream to work at NASA one day... so she did! NOT as a scientist, engineer, or astrophysicist! Beth is an expert writer, communicator, story teller. She's a HORRIBLE joke teller. But she's working on it…
Imagine being the first person to answer the calls at NASA after the Columbia explosion. What life lessons you would take from that experience and how those lessons could help others. Join Beth Mund as she shares her journey and life experiences with host Mike Domitrz.
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BIO of Beth Mund: As an expert communicator, Beth provides practical strategies for creative leaders, and innovative professionals who want to communicate their ideas clearly, and influence others. She uses vivid, inspirational narratives from her experiences in her sought-after keynotes. Beth delivers individual coaching and tailored workshops for communicators at every level. With 25 years of experience in speaking and executive speechwriting, Beth has implemented her communication strategies with Fortune 50 CEOs, astronauts, educators and business owners, life coaches, students and mayors. As technical writer for Motorola, and a spokeswoman for NASA, Beth worked to convey complex technical information to a wide variety of stakeholders, including the public and media. Beth has an innovative, charming approach towards improving communication skills in her work that sets her apart from other professional speakers and coaches. Beth’s ability to describe her detailed, reflective lessons learned while working at NASA during the Columbia disaster, at Allstate during Hurricane Katrina and United Airlines during the company’s resurgence from corporate bankruptcy allow audience members feel they are part of the story. Beth is the founder of her business, She is passionate about helping people share their creative ideas with the world. In addition, Beth is a college instructor, and a self-described space geek, and host of the Casual Space podcast. LINKS TO BETH: BethMund Speaker, Writer, Space Geek (facebook) BOOKS BETH RECOMMENDS: Tom Wolfe's "The Right Stuff" Emily Post’s “Etiquette” by Peggy Post And any book by Nancy Drew. 😉