Mineral resource estimation produces a model of deposits for extraction and is made up of various complex processes. In part two of this two-part series, Optiro's Director of Geology Ian Glacken discusses how the various methods used for estimation can be controversial and takes a look towards the future.
In this episode:
0:50 What is the issue and what are the differences between global estimation and local accuracy?
3:55 How do you know which approach is applicable to your situation?
5:05 Is there something about the culture of a country that determines the approach?
6:11 Are there any approaches that are less theoretically rigorous?
7:11 If some approaches aren't theoretically rigorous, how can you justify using them?
7:57 Why are some of the older techniques still used if there are better ones around?
8:50 What does the future hold for resource estimation?
11:00 Where can people get the paper you wrote on resource estimation?
For more information:
Contact Ian Glacken - Optiro Director of Geology: iglacken@optiro.com Optiro websiteLinks:
Monograph 30 – Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Estimation – The AusIMM Guide to Good Practice - https://ausimm.com/product/monograph-30-mineral-resource-and-ore-reserve-estimation-the-ausimm-guide-to-good-practice/