Though we've been hanging out on the couch for several weeks now, this was one of the first episodes Mary recorded. She talks with her friend Jenny Rapson about their favorite strong female characters. And, just so you know, they do decide to just call them *badass.* So, that happens. Tune in for all that and more!
Veronica Mars (the TV show) Veronica Mars (the movie) Veronica Mars (the novels) Veronica Mars, season 4, is coming to Hulu. So, the thing is, we really love Veronica Mars.ALSO MENTIONED:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the TV show, not the movie) Speechless (a fantastic TV show) Marvel's Agent Carter (such a great show, too!)DON'T FORGET:
Join The Couch on Facebook! Find Jenny on Instagram (@jennyitup) and on her blog, Mommin' It Up.