Inspired by a vlog by Stylist magazine, we look at the lost art of real life dating and the rise of Tinder marriages. When was the last time you approached a hottie in the street and asked if they were single? Will we ever re-embrace the old fashioned ways of chatting people up; before the consumption of alcohol? Charelle gets mansplained in the gym and Verity recalls the mountain of people she has asked in her past if they knew of any straight, single men. Do you remember traffic light parties? Have you ever chatted up a waiter? We cover it all!
Stylist vlog
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Charelle Griffith, 30, is a marketing strategist and founder of PropelHer, a personal development blog and book club. She lives in London, dates men and has been single for 3 years.
Connect with Charelle
Verity Brown, 32, is a freelance marketer and empowerment coach living back in her hometown in the north of England. She dates men and women and has been single for 3 years. Connect with Verity