Today’s episode is all about relativity especially how it relates to time, how we spend it and how there never seems to be enough of it. The inspiration for the episode comes from a book Angie just read called The Big Leap, which is now going to be the audiobook playing on my ride to and from work.
One of the biggest points of the book is the concept of time and it is explained in classic Newtonian physics and what is referred to as Einstein time.
Basically, the old way of looking at time is a conveyor belt that you get on and ride forward at a set pace. You are completely passive. In Einstein time, you can move along the belt causing time to speed up or slow down. This sounds a little crazy, but think of the last time you went on vacation and how much fun you had, then poof the trip was over before you noticed. Times flies when you are having fun.
Because time can be slowed down, the book suggests that we can essentially create our own time. Depending on the urgency of the situation, we can decide whether or not we have time for a given task. There is always time, it is simply a choice that each person must make on how to spend their time.
In discussing the book, I suggested that time is relative to motivation. We spend some of the episode discussing how fear, enjoyment, and motivation are intertwined and how we should carefully set priorities and devote our time accordingly.
We always seem to have an endless list of tasks that “need” to be done. However, dishes, laundry, perfecting your instagram post, or whatever else you have, should not take precedence over your happiness. This is not an easy task, and we cover how attempting to prioritize happiness lead to a very grumpy dinner the other day. Making time for your top priorities may require an uncomfortable overhaul of the whole system.
The episode continues with a discussion of how everything is relative. We cover how easy it is to make comparisons not just to those immediately around you, but around the entire world. You can use social media to compare yourself in a positive or negative frame, but none of those comparisons will create lasting happiness or quality improvement in your own life.
We wrap it up with a more direct discussion of running. Specifically, we copying the training plan that some elite athlete posted on the internet may not be the best plan for success. It is helpful to know the backstory. What was the training leading to that cycle? What was the reasoning behind the workouts? What was the goal distance? What else was going own is that runner’s life around the workouts. Remember, comparisons are natural, but ideal training is a case study of one person.
As for success and’s all relative.
The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks Our Favorite Products to Make Healthy Living Easier Our Coaching Programs We have SHIRTS! Show your Real Life Runner Pride! Speed Workouts (by time and effort)Hope you enjoy it!! Let us know if you have any questions that you would like answered on our show!
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