I'm sharing my experience and thoughts on sleep training so you can hopefully feel calm, cool, and confident in offering your child the best sleep. I hope you can listen to this episode in its entirety, because this is a nuanced and triggering topic that deserves in depth conversation. I wouldn't want you to miss the full context of the ideas presented here.
[1:20] Giveaway winner! [4:47] 2 Emails I received from concerned parents [11:02] We’re all torn over the approach to helping our babies sleep better. [21:00] Every child is different and much of their temperament is “baked in” (they’re born with it). [23:59] Flaws with thinking that there’s only one way to do it. [25:34] What does sleep training mean? [27:45] What can be learned from nature? [30:24] What does crying mean? [39:34] Is sleep deprivation respectful? [42:22] Is frustration bad? [48:01] Is it all or nothing? [49:48] The process with my last child. [55:29] We have to trust ourselves. [1:01:02] Summary [1:05:19] What’s coming next weekLinks & Resources
Present Play Batya the Baby Coach 3 Things I Love About the RIE Approach Show notes: www.parentingjunkie.com/11