Brother, Michael White, Guilty in Iran - Dan White is a friend, not just of the show but of Jon and Pete's. Today The fellas sit down and talk about Dan's brother Michael R White. Michael has been a national level news story since his arrest in Iran back in January.
International efforts to free Michael, thus far have stalled. New outlets have tried to get Dan to talk, but it's our task to tell this story. Michael currently sits in prison in Iran, convicted insulting Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and sharing private information online--Michael Shared a picture of his Iranian girlfriend.
Michael was sentenced to 10 years in prison. He's got cancer and it's unknown if he's being cared for in prison. When Dan last saw Mike, he feared he'd never see his brother again. Sadly, it appears that Dan was right. Through a lot of family pain, an attempting to answer the big Why question...Dan still loves his brother...but is powerless to do anything for him in this tragic tale.
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