FF: Top Tips To Stick With Your Workouts
Does the thought of getting to the gym or completing your work out feel more like a chore?
Do you struggle with starting a new fitness routine and sticking with it?
If this sounds like you, know that this is a common feeling and you aren’t alone.
Many people get bored fast with their workouts or aren’t sure how to change things up while still getting results - luckily there are simple fixes.
Today’s show I’m going to share with you my eight favorite tips to help you stick with and improve your workouts.
Enjoy the show!
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Show Notes & Resources:
Sheila Strong's Trusted Supplements to Simplify Life:
Sheila Strong Daily Protocol (This is what Sheila and her many of her clients do daily!)
Daily Fruit and Vegetables Blend (22 organic fruit & vegetables “greens powder”)
Daily Nutritional Support Shake (The #1 All-in one recommendation in my studio)
Sheila Strong's Most Popular Lab Test:Thyroid + Adrenal + Hormone Test
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