Show notes:
As Kingdom focused entrepreneurs we need to look at business through a different lens.
We are held to a higher standard than the world's standards of success, so how do we navigate running a business in the world when you are not of the world?
Being a representative of God's Kingdom can sometimes come with questions or a lack of clarity of purpose and direction.
Clarity is knowing what God wants us to focus on in this season, for right now. However, our identity and purpose can be stolen if we are not firmly grounded in the Word of God. Worrying about the traditions of men can cause us to miss important things, especially when God is our business partner.
Business coach <strong>Stevie Knight</strong> shares how what we are doing to advance the Kingdom through business is evidence of God's power. Just because we don't stand on a pulpit doesn't mean that we are not effective for advancing the Kingdom.
Watch our interview for the gold nuggets of truth Stevie shares to help you navigate running your own business for God's glory.