Nancy du Tertre, known as "The Skeptical Psychic," created as a forum for discussions and information about various types of communication with aliens, extraterrestrials, visitors, light beings, inter-dimensionals, hybrids, time travelers, off-world intelligences and other types of nonhumans.
Nancy's background makes her uniquely qualified to understand and analyze the various issues involved in what she calls "Exolinguistics" or the study of off-world languages. Not only is she lawyer, but she is a linguist (French, German and Thai languages) and also a trained psychic medium. She has also had several significant UFO sightings and apparent alien contact experiences. Unlike most people, Nancy is able to navigate the worlds of analysis and intuition with equal ease.
Nancy practiced securities litigation as an attorney in Manhattan for many years before becoming a trained psychic detective working with law enforcement, a medical intuitive, spiritual medium, paranormal investigator, ufology researcher, remote viewer trained in military-style CRV techniques, and host of her own CBS radio show "Hot Leads Cold Cases." Nancy has also owned and operated several business including an award-winning newspaper, printing company, 242-bed skilled nursing home, and managed the U.S. operations of a family-owned porcelain manufacturing business in France. She was also a regular weekly guest on KAHI News Radio in Sacramento, CA, giving predictions on current affairs, and continues to give predictions on her website at
A frequent media guest, Nancy is a repeat guest on Coast-to-Coast AM with George Noory, and lectures around the country on topics including extraterrestrial communication, psychic mediumship, remote viewing and paranormal hauntings. A magna cum laude graduate of Princeton University, Nancy received an award for best thesis (French poetry/philosophy) An honors graduate of Pace Law School, Nancy was a published member of the Law Review (article on corporate greenmail practices), winner of Moot Court, and editor of the law school newspaper.