Adam, Jonathan, and Joe break down the latest processors from Qualcomm, the Snapdragon 665, 730, and 730G. Oppo released a new phone with some curiously familiar technology in the camera department. Sharp and Samsung are both pushing the limits of smartphone design with two new phones that will knock your socks off!
Tech We Like: Zhiyun Crane Plus DSLR Gimbal
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Recorded April 11, 2019
Time codes
3:05 – Snapdragon 665, 730, 730G announced: Qualcomm doubles down on cameras, gaming
17:00 - Oppo Reno announced in China: Expect standard model and 10x Zoom Edition
27:00 - Clamshell foldable phones are real, but you’ll need to wait a while for this one
31: 50 - You need to see this amazing Samsung Galaxy A80 pop-up rotating camera GIF
App Matters - SHINE - Journey Of Light
The Android Authority podcast is:
Adam Doud - @DeadTechnology
Jonathan Feist - @JFeist1 / @DroneRushcom
Joe Hindy - @ThatJoeHindy
Produced by Adam Doud