Welcome to Finance and Fury, the Furious Friday edition
Today we will talk about democracy never really existing in The City of London
We are continuing on with the series of Brexit – nothing really new to report as the vote has been pushed back until October
The first episode was on the neo-cons The second episode was on Brexit Today will be a combination of those 2 episodes – subverting democracy and economies The City of London: Government is The City of London Corporation It is not the greater London region, it is the major financial services district of the UK It is technically not a part of England The city has it’s own police force They have their own power gridThe History of The City of London It dates back to the Romans They have operated in the same manner since Medieval times – enshrined the Magna Carta’s clause 9 – 1215 The companies get votes here – an example of a plutocracy There are 4 layers of elected representatives What are the livery companies? Who is the remembrancer? This has made regulation of global finance nearly impossible This leads back to Brexit The corporation possesses a large pool of cash What is the Lord Mayor’s role? Extensive partnership work with who? Protest groups in the great UK are funded by who? Intellectual property and tax erosion practices There are conduit OFC’s and sink OFCs (Offshore financial centres) Multi-national companies do not care about increased regulation
What do you think? Who benefits from being a part of the EU? What is the growing trend of first world economies? We will finish this off in the next episode When the financial sector turns away from supporting the creation of wealth we are doomed to repeat past mistakes
Thank you for listening, if you want o get in contact you can do so here.