Today on the show we have Guy DiMartino, a former chiropractor physician turned healthcare law litigator. We’ll discuss law firm breakups, systemizing multiple practice areas, and running offices in completely different regions of the country.
Hacking’s Hack: I had a very interesting conversation with Kent Richardson about consistency and follow-through when it comes to content creation. If you put it out there that you’re going to do something and you’ve fallen off, recommit yourself and reconnect with why you were originally doing it.
Tyson’s Tip: Storage companies have a great way of getting reviews. They give you a postcard and have you fill out your comments and review their experience. Just the physical invitation is extremely effective.
Guy’s Tip: Read “If You Want to Get Rich Build a Power Niche” by Bruce Statchenfeld.
Guy’s Podcasts:
Make sure to register for MaxLawCon19, June 6 and 7 in St.Louis.
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