Dr Jason Fox is the leadership guy for people who can't stand motivational speakers. People come to him for his fresh perspectives, contemporary philosophies and ideas in motivation design. He shows Fortune 500 brands like Microsoft, HP, Cisco, Oracle, Toyota, and Xero how to go deep into uncharted territory. This fascinating conversation goes into thinking, productivity, and productive deep thinking. When people ask Jason what he does, how does he like to reply?
To talk about one's self in a covered attempt is to convince you of one's character. Why is this best done as a character?
Your authentic self or true self can be dangerous. Why?
The authentic self or true self is a fallacy; there is no authentic self. Where does Jason stand?
We discuss the Alter Ego Effect by former guest Todd Herman.
The Wizard is Jason's word for the year. Did Jason attach values to the word for this year?
Jason believes we put on armour to protect ourselves to survive. What is that protection?
Jason is guilty of overthinking stuff. Des that get in the way of getting stuff done?
Strategy today is driven by two things - bandwagonism or incrementalism. Jason explains.
We are being kept captive by outdated views on productivity. What are the old notions?
When we say it's a values conflict - could it just be an excuse not to get it done?
How does Jason use his journal? How is it set up to log, capture, and retrieve ideas from the past? LINKS Dr Jason Fox https://www.drjasonfox.com Dr Jason Fox podcast https://www.drjasonfox.com/podcast Todd Herman https://toddherman.me/about/ The Alter Ego Effect on Amazon https://amzn.to/2vrM0oS The Mojo Radio Show on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/themojoradioshowpodcast The Mojo Radio Show http://www.themojoradioshow.com The Mojo Radio Show on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TheMojoRadioShowPodcast/ The Mojo Radio Show on Twitter https://twitter.com/tmrspod The Mojo Radio Show Answering Machine 08 7200 6656 08 7200 MOJO The Mojo Radio Show copyright Gary Bertwistle & Darren Robertson Products or companies we discuss are not paid endorsements. They are not sponsored by, nor do we have any professional or affiliate relationship of any kind with any of the companies or products highlighted in the show.... sadly! It’s just stuff we like, think is cool and maybe of interest to you our listeners. “Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!”