This week Joe performs a massive Q&A (answering 15+ questions!) Topics covered include: Joe's thoughts on CrossFit deleting their Facebook & IG pages; Best business advice Joe's ever received; Does Triple H's lack of sleep affect his ability to recover; Joe's favorite "functional" bodyweight movements; Go-To exercises for grapplers; Joe's favorite ice cream flavor...and song(s); Should general pop clients train for power; The Fix for Golfer's Elbow; How to effectively train for both power & aerobic endurance simultaneously; Should pregnant women continue to train throughout their pregnancy; Best way to bring up a lagging body part; Training after having a newborn baby/babies; How do you land famous clients; How long does it take to improve an athlete's 40 or 60-yard-dash time; Similarities & differences between training general pop clients & athletes; The most influential "non-fitness" people in Joe's life; Organizing a summer football S&C program if kids have to train Monday through Thursday (with Friday, Saturday & Sunday off)....and MORE!
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